
Breakout Book XXvXY: The Final World War Imagines a Future Ravaged by Battles Between Women and Men. An interview with the mastermind behind the book.

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XX v XY: The Final World War is foretelling our future, and it is shocking. Set in America’s dystopian future, West and East America are at odds. The men ruling the East have made life for women into a gameshow. Women are brainwashed and physically altered for the amusement and enjoyment of the President. The women of the West have made men second class citizens, while West American women are encouraged to take physical and mind-altering drugs to enhance their strengths. Moral lines have been blurred, tensions are high, and the Final World War is imminent.


Bobby Goldstein

We interviewed XX v XY co-creator Bobby Goldstein to learn more about his inspiration and revelations about his newest creation. Bobby Goldstein is the president of Bobby Goldstein Productions and the creator of Cheaters, one of the longest-running syndicated shows in history, now airing daily in 215 U. S. markets and in over 100 foreign countries. Goldstein has become recognized for his ability to spot cultural trends and capitalize on rebellious ideas.


How did you come up with the concept for XX v XY?

With strong women influences, daughters that needed protecting and equalization, and a general tendency to question authority, the origins of XX v XY was a confluence of many events in my life. I was always most fond of my grandmothers and even one of my great grandmothers. The time I spent with them all was a joy. My mother is the most no-nonsense hard-working woman I have ever known. The dynamics of my childhood and family life were very much that the women put their pants on just like the men, and they ruled with greater beneficence.

When was the moment inspiration hit?

After having children, two of which then were girls, it dawned on me as I observed all around me that females were at a social, political, and economic disadvantage compared to men, while at the same time there were neither natural nor organic disadvantages. To the contrary, in my life, they were always heads above in caring, executing, and sacrificing. It seemed so perpendicular to the way it should have been. One night during a Jewish holiday, while reading a prayer book, it seemed even more obvious that the notion of gender needed to be rethought as all references to God were masculine. I didn’t buy it and began immersing myself in history and contemporary events where women were concerned. The title hit me right away, and immediately thereafter, inverting history seemed to be the path of the future.


Did your experience creating Cheaters inspire the story in any way? If so, how?

My experience with cheaters had very little to do with XX v XY. I’d been a dreamer and creative all my life. Cheaters only provided me with the education of how to get the product to market. Perhaps it did allow me to imagine how to get to higher road, from whacking people to empowering people.


How close do current movements and politics match your vision in XX v XV?

Current events are stealing my copyrights! In reality, it is going just the way we all could have hoped for. Day to day occurrences are actually very great prequels to where XX v XY goes.


What else can we expect form the XX v XY franchise?

I love the notion of the franchise. That means we got something here. I am working on a scripted series. However, like delivering children, you don’t want to get pregnant during the birth of the current one. I do see a reality show that puts XX v XY into perspective. Perhaps all the licensing and branding that flows from the franchise. No carts before the horse here though. I only like to brag in retrospect.


Find out who wins, who loses, and how America is changed forever.  See if you can spot the political and social similarities between our world and the world of XX v XY by purchasing your copy of XX v XY: The Final World War on Barnes & Noble and Amazon.  A topical read for teenagers, adults, men, women, political activist and sci-fi lovers.



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